Jason W Schneider attended Missouri Auction School in 1996. After graduating from Missouri Auction School, Jason & Chris Schneider founded Schneider Auction Service in Schoenchen, Kansas.
We are very proud to announce our son Dustin graduated from Missouri Auction School in June 2015.
Schneider Auction Service is a diversified auction company and is supported by a knowledgeable staff of clerks, cashiers, and ring persons to help our auctions run smoothly and professionally. Schneider Auction Service works on a commission based agreement between the seller and the auction company. We work with the seller to market their property through personal contacts, brochures, newspaper & radio advertising and the internet.

Our customer’s satisfaction is our main concern.
Schneider Auction Service has experience in many types of auctions which include:
Farm Machinery…
Livestock Production Sales…
Real Estate…
Jason is a licensed Real Estate Agent under the firm of Hamit Land & Auction, Inc.
To contact Col. Jason W Schneider call 785-650-B I D D (2433)
To contact Col. Dustin L Schneider call 785-639-B I D Z (2439)
To contact Col. John T Kisner call 785-656-3044